On the Celebration of JUBILEE YEAR 2025
Pope Francis has proclaimed the year 2025 as a Jubilee Year of Hope, a call that echoes through the lives of all of us. How do you perceive this significant declaration? Is it just another news item that fades into the background of your busy life? Or does it inspire you to pause and reflect, even with a touch of skepticism, “What is there to hope for in this chaotic world and my own turbulent life?”
This first issue of the English Bulletin for 2025 centers on this vital theme. In Spes Non Confundit, the Bull proclaiming the Jubilee Year 2025, Pope Francis begins: "To all who read this letter, may Hope fill your hearts!" His message is both personal and universal, encouraging us to embrace hope in our daily lives.
The motto for this Jubilee, "Pilgrims of Hope," serves as a powerful reminder that our time on earth is a journey back to our Father in heaven, uplifting our spirits as we focus on the hope we carry. Pope Francis articulated this beautifully: "Everyone knows what it is to hope. Hope dwells in the heart of each person as a desire for good things to come, even when the future seems uncertain. Hope empowers us to move forward, trusting in the Father’s love that will never let us down" (Spes Non Confundit, 4).
In a letter to Cardinal Rino Fisichella, who leads the preparations for this Jubilee, the Holy Father wrote: "We must ignite the flame of hope within us and help everyone look to the future with openness, trust, and a vision that reaches beyond today. This Jubilee can profoundly restore hope and trust, paving the way for the renewal and rebirth that we all yearn for." Jesus, called the "door" (cf. Jn 10:7, 9) of our salvation, is our "hope" (1 Tim 1:1) and is meant to be shared with everyone.
As you read this, your continued interest indicates that the Holy Spirit is stirring your heart. Turn to page 3 for a brief primer that will deepen your understanding of the key concepts surrounding the Jubilee Year. On page 2, a calendar of major events waiting to be celebrated each month is featured. Did you know that there are Jubilee Days for teenagers, families, children, grandparents and the elderly, the sick and health workers, volunteers, workers, the poor and even prisoners? The Pope has a particular message addressed to them and us!
For those who cannot journey to Rome, here is good news! The celebration extends to local cathedrals and designated churches worldwide, enabling everyone to receive the graces of the Jubilee. See on page 5 the list of the special pilgrim churches in the Archdiocese of Tokyo, and we are blessed to say that our own St. Ignatius Parish is among them!
The Jubilee Year is a collective journey, not merely an individual task, so we are encouraged to gather in groups for pilgrimage (such as families, youth groups, ministries, and others) and engage in the planned activities (refer back to page 3) fostering deeper connections among participants. We can consider weaving this theme into our Lenten retreat!
Pope Francis concludes his letter with these inspiring words: "May this Jubilee be a Holy Year marked by enduring hope—our hope in God. Let it enable us to reclaim our confident trust in the Church, in society, in our relationships, and in the dignity of all people and of creation itself. May believers’ witness serve as a beacon of authentic hope, heralding new heavens and a new earth" (cf. 2 Pet 3:13; Spes Non Confundit, 25). Let us journey together in this spirit of hope and renewal!
by Sr. Flor Florece, F.I.