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Homily (Palm Sunday Of The Lord’s Passion)




Pain, suffering and death are human experiences that are often avoided and seldom cherished. Only when meaning enables us to glean the paradox of life can it be acceptable. The suffering servant who faithfully listened to God’s Word saw his suffering as fruit of rejection of his listeners, which made him vulnerable while living out his conviction.


Jesus sang His Self-emptying hymn, as He learned obedience and found fulfillment in what He suffered.

The Passion Narrative becomes the touchstone of Lent on discipleship that Jesus had been saying all along: If you want to be my disciples, deny yourself as the center, take up your cross in the challenges of life, and follow Me beyond the desolation of the Cross to fuller life that Easter offers. The path to true self is self-emptying love.

(Source: Fr. Edwin Mercado,Archdiocese of Manila)

by Fr. Edwin Mercado、Archdiocese of Manila




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