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Did You Know?




That every year, from August 6-15, the Church of Japan holds Ten Days of Prayer for Peace? According to Archbishop Kikuchi, its aim is to “look back on war and think about peace, and to remember that peace requires concrete action, not just a desire.” This year, he appealed to the faithful to pray for peace in conflict-torn Myanmar and to make special donations to the Myanmar Church, a sister Church of the Tokyo Archdiocese.



That it is not just Myanmar that needs our prayers? Pope Francis likewise exhorted us to remember our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan and in Haiti, too. See this poster, courtesy of Manila Cathedral, Philippines.



That the Archbishop of Tokyo gives a weekly message every Saturday at 18:00 via the Internet? It serves as an aid to “Spiritual Communion” and the title is “Weekly Archbishop.” Check the channel “Catholic Tokyo Archdiocese” on YouTube. Now that live Masses and Church activities have been suspended because of the “Fifth Wave,” all the the more should we “hear” the Shepherd’s voice!



That His Excellency Monsignor Leo Boccardi is already here? He was appointed Apostolic Nuncio of Japan last March by Pope Francis but due to the corona virus, his coming to Japan was delayed. He was an invited guest of the Jesuits during their celebration of the St Ignatius feast day. Also, in early in August he visited Nagasaki in conjunction with the Atomic Bomb Anniversary. We hope that he will include St Ignatius Church in his itinerary soon!


(Photo taken from the Catholic Central Council Homepage (On the left is the Nuncio):



That we really must pray for Pope Francis? In July, he spent 10 days in hospital for colon surgery. On August 9 he received a perceived threat on his life. The Italian police intercepted an envelope containing three pieces of 9-millimeter bullets and a message referring to financial operations in the Vatican. Let us pray that God may touch the hearts of people who sow fear and violence, lie, and violate human rights. The Pontiff is scheduled to visit Hungary and Slovakia in mid-September. 


(Taken from


More on the Ignatian Year…

That the Faith Formation Group of John de Britto Center, which meets monthly for formation, has unearthed additional resources to deepen our knowledge of St Ignatius and the Ignatian Year? Here are some of them:

1. The opportunity of the Ignatian Year 2021-2022


2. Who was St Ignatius de Loyola


3. What are the Spiritual Exercises invented by St Ignatius?


More in the next issues of the Bulletin…




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