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Save our Planet Earth!

Comes From Save our planet Earth ... 


The parents were encouraged to have some plant, even in a pot, for their children to take care of in order to continue the learning experience.


Kite Flying.

Oh, the children loved it! They ran around the spacious grounds of St Ignatius to their delight, coaxing the wind to blow some more so their kites would fly high. Parents and volunteers taught the children how to fly the kites. They were happy to run with abandon, for they do not have such spaces at home! They felt the joy of playing with the wind, running in the grass. It’s more fun than gadgets!


Watermelon Game.

A Summer Camp is not a Summer Camp if this game is not included. Blindfolded, and amid much cheering, many children lined up two or three times to be able to hit “that big watermelon!”. Offered the first slice, a child said, “Can I have one for my mother, too?” And they were asked afterwards, “Who ate only one slice?” No one raised a hand. Two, three…slices… A six-year-old said with a big smile, “I ate 6!” Delicious!” Produce of Mother Earth!

Nature Walk.

The older kids were asked to sit on the lawn grass. The catechist asked, “Have you noticed that there are three kinds of grass surrounding us?” Somebody discovered a grasshopper, another a dragon fly. Then they went to the cherry blossom walkway. The children were given some time to observe their surroundings. Yes, nature can be found even in the heart of a large city! Through this activity, we wanted to awaken in the children a “Sense of Wonder” towards creation, the Love of God the Creator, and see God’s love in all that is given to us in creation: Laudato, Si’! May God the Creator be praised!


Pool in the Ocean.

The little kids went “fishing.” The “ocean” consisted of two inflated little pools with lots of sea creatures swimming. They
were asked to fish only one or else there would not be enough for all. Yet, many wanted more and lined up several times. This activity is very popular in many summer festivals. But it can be an opportunity to deepen about “care for others”, etc. as they become older…


What child would not look forward to this? Parents and children came together to light their sparklers. It was not much. We wanted eco-friendly ones but they were hard to find.
This year’s camp was a lot of fun. It had a great impact on the children and this could be seen in the drawings they made to synthesize their experience. They learned many things but it should not end there. As adults, as parents, as mentors, let us continue to be good models and teach them hands-on to “Take care of Mother Earth and One Another,” as Pope Francis wrote in Laudato Si’! His message is for all of US!



























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