To Accompany Us As We Begin The Holy Week

Palm Sunday Homily (Mt. 26: 14-27 + 66)


Today’s Gospel speaks of the betrayal of Judas and his motivation for that deed.


There are several possibilities.

First, we can recall the incident of the woman using priceless anointment to anoint Jesus. Judas protests the anointing of Jesus, but then the comment is added that he was a thief. So, Judas may have had a monetary motive for betraying Jesus.

Second, we recall that Judas was a Zealot, one of those fiercely opposed to the Roman occupation and plotting its overthrow. In fact, Iscariot could mean “dagger man” referring to the fact that he was a so-called Zealot, one of those working to overthrow Roman rule. However, Jesus did not share in this Movement and so Judas may have been disillusioned because of Jesus’ passive acceptance of Roman rule. This disillusion with time may have turned in to hatred of Jesus.

Third, Judas’s betrayal was his attempt to force Jesus’ hand and to stir him to action. But when this failed Judas commits suicide. Jesus had not lived up to the expectations of Judas. Likewise, Judas had hidden these ambitions from the other disciples.

Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss. He tells the mob that has come out to capture Jesus that this will be the sign. Judas tells the mob he will kiss Jesus (phileien), the normal word to a kiss. But Judas’s actual kiss of Jesus is kataphilein=a lover’s kiss—frequent and fervent. Judas’s kiss was not for identification, but to get his master to act.

The fact that Judas receives 30 pieces of silver for his betrayal is significant for two reasons. First, 30 pieces of silver is modest, not a great sum. Second, it refers to a story in Zechariah where the chief priests purchase a field for that amount.

Finally, it must be noted that while all the disciples were from Galilee Judas alone was from Judea. This also could have contributed to his alienation from Jesus and the others.



by Fr. Jerry Cusumano, SJ